Trámites Europa




Steps to follow


Valid Passport or National ID

Ensure your passport or national ID card is valid for the duration of your stay in Malta.

Registration with Local Authorities (eResidence Card)

If you plan to stay in Malta for more than three months, you must register with the Department for Citizenship and Expatriate Affairs to obtain an eResidence card. This card serves as proof of your right to reside in Malta.

Health Insurance

You must have health insurance coverage in Malta. If you are employed, you will be covered by the Maltese social security system. You can also apply for the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) before moving, which provides temporary health coverage. Alternatively, you can get private health insurance if you are not employed or want additional coverage.


As an EU citizen, you do not need a work permit to work in Malta. Employers may ask for proof of identity and your eResidence card.


Arrange accommodation before or soon after your arrival. The housing market can be competitive, particularly in popular areas, so it's advisable to start looking early.

Bank Account

Opening a Maltese bank account is recommended for salary payments and everyday transactions. You will need a valid ID, proof of address, and sometimes proof of employment to open an account.


While English is widely spoken in Malta, learning Maltese can be beneficial for daily life and integration.