Trámites Europa




Steps to follow


Valid Passport or National ID

Ensure your passport or national ID card is valid for the duration of your stay in Liechtenstein.

Residence Permit

Liechtenstein has a quota system for residence permits, making it more difficult for EU/EEA citizens to obtain a permit compared to other EEA countries. You must apply for a residence permit, which can be challenging due to the limited number of permits issued annually. This often requires having a job lined up before you apply.


You need a work permit to be employed in Liechtenstein. Securing a job beforehand is crucial as employers typically assist in obtaining the necessary permits. Cross-border commuters from neighboring countries (Switzerland and Austria) are common, and many work in Liechtenstein while residing in these countries.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is mandatory in Liechtenstein. You must register with a health insurance provider within three months of arrival.


Arrange accommodation before or soon after your arrival. The housing market can be competitive, and prices are generally high, so it's advisable to start looking early.

Bank Account

Opening a bank account in Liechtenstein is recommended for salary payments and everyday transactions. You will need a valid ID, proof of address, and proof of employment to open an account.


While many people in Liechtenstein speak German, English is also widely understood. Proficiency in German is beneficial for daily life, integration, and job opportunities.